Windows Update Fixer

Update Fixer is a lightweight, freeware app to automatically fix Windows Update.

This program is an automatic Windows Update Fixer, but we couldn’t actually use that name, because Windows is Microsoft’s trademark and obviously we are not Microsoft. Therefore, our program is called Update Fixer. It’s a free Windows Update fixing tool.

Why does Windows Update fail?

There can be many reasons why Windows Update fails, such as:

Unfortunately, Windows Update often displays unhelpful error messages. For example, Windows Update failing because error 0x800705b4, 0x80070424 or c0000022. These Windows Update error codes do not usually help much in fixing Windows Update.

Other common problems are when you experience Windows Update stuck at 100 percent or Windows 11 Update stuck anywhere between 0% and 100%, or, Windows 11 updater not working at all.

Windows comes with the official Windows Update Troubleshooter but it often fails to fix anything. There are also scripts designed to fully reset Windows Update, but they do not always work. Also, a script that resets everything is a hammer but sometimes what you need is a precision tool.

These are the reasons why we developed Update Fixer. We want to help you to fix Windows Update, easily.

Fix Windows Update

Update Fixer is a lightweight, no-nonsense program that does only one thing, but it does it very well: It fixes Windows Update. Nothing more, nothing less.



This is how the program looks like in Windows with Dark Mode:

Update Fixer Screenshot - Main Screen
Screenshot 1 - The main app screen.
Update Fixer Screenshot - Main Screen
Screenshot 2 - The program showing what is wrong with your Windows Update and what it recommends you to do. These options are presented based on analysis of your computer.
Update Fixer Screenshot - Results Screen
Screenshot 3 - After Update Fixer is done, all you need to do is restart the computer and your Windows Update is fixed!

Here is a video showing how Update Fixer can fix Windows Update when the official Windows Update Troubleshooter fails:


Key Features

  1. Automatically detects what is wrong with Windows Update.
  2. Automatically fixes any found Windows Update related problems.
  3. If you want, you can choose exactly what fixing operations should be done.
  4. Supports Dark Mode.
  5. Very easy to use: Start the app, click a button. That’s it!
  6. The user interface includes cats 🐱
  7. Free and open source. Lightweight. No ads, no bundled software, no nonsense.


Update Fixer is a lightweight, portable app for Windows.

A portable app means that you have one Windows executable file that you can simply copy to any system you want and run it there. When you are done, you can just delete the file, there is no other type of uninstallation required.

Click here to download portable Update Fixer

Update Fixer works in Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7 and Windows Vista.

Is your Windows Update failing?

Keeping your Windows up-to-date is critically important for your computer’s security, stability and performance. If your Windows Update is failing, you are putting your computer and your data at risk.

Is your device missing important security and quality fixes?

Broken Windows Update will lead to your computer missing important security and quality fixes.

Windows Update Troubleshooter

Yes, we know, Windows ships with Windows Update Troubleshooter. But if you have ever had to use it, you know it often fails to fix Windows Update. That is why we developed Update Fixer. Update Fixer is not trying to replace the official Windows Update Troubleshooter but to complement it.

Windows Update Fixing Tool

If you are currently experiencing any problems with Windows Update, you should consider running Update Fixer. It’s free and it works.

We hope you like it! Thanks!

👉 Click here to download portable Update Fixer


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We only send you an email if we release a new version of Update Fixer or another new freeware app. Nothing else. Any email we send will contain an unsubscribe link. Your email is not shared with anyone.


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